Beautiful Pictures

Notes about changes in my FlowerPictures site, I also write some backgrounds about photography and gardening.

Wednesday, August 30, 2006

New pictures of daylily flowers .
I have so many pictures that I want to upload to my website, but I'm too busy to do it in the past 2 weeks. Finally, I decided "just do it" and the pictures of beautiful daylilies had been published last weekend, please take a look of these so beautiful flowers: daylily . Daylily is a hardy perennial that is very easy to grow in any garden. There are so many different flower colors and shapes that you can choose to fit your garden. In the past 100 years, plant hybridizers have been produced thousand different daylilies, they all beautifull. They now even have daylily that blooms at night time and fragrant!
I still have many summer flowers, please come back to see them next time.


Tuesday, August 15, 2006

Lotus flowers.
July and August are very hot this year! Temperature in St. Louis, Missouri got in the 100's for weeks. However, the lotus seemed not care about the hot weather, they bloom profusely this year. I have a friend who growed lotus and takes care of the lotus pond for a Buddhist temple in Missouri (MABA). The lotus at MABA grew exponentially this year, half of the pond had been covered by lotus. The lotus flowers are exceptionally beautiful. Please visit my newest lotus page to see them.
